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Teaching Coaches to Develop Their Coaching Philosophy

The sources offer a structured approach that can be used to teach coaches how to develop their coaching philosophy:

  • Begin with the “Why” – Purpose: Start by encouraging coaches to reflect on their motivations for coaching. What are their goals? What impact do they want to have on their athletes? What brings them a sense of fulfillment in coaching?  This introspection helps establish a clear purpose, forming the foundation of their coaching philosophy.  The sources suggest using  proudest coaching moments as a starting point for this reflection.
  • Identify Core Values:  Guide coaches to articulate their values related to sport and coaching. Emphasize the alignment between their values and their coaching purpose. Encourage them to select four to six core values that resonate most strongly. The sources provide a list of sample values to help facilitate this process.  Additionally, highlight the importance of aligning with the principles of the NCCP Code of Ethics, such as respect, integrity, and safety.
  • Contextualise the Philosophy: Help coaches understand the importance of adapting their philosophy to their specific coaching environment. Factors to consider include:
    •   The age and skill level of the athletes
    •   The competitive level of the sport
    •   The resources and support available
    •   The coach’s role within the team or organization
  • Inspire and Motivate:  A coaching philosophy should not be a mere document, but a source of inspiration and motivation. Encourage coaches to craft a statement that resonates with their beliefs and passions, driving them to coach with purpose and enthusiasm.
  • Ensure Clarity and Actionability:  The philosophy should be clear, concise, and easy to understand.  Importantly, it must translate into concrete actions.   Help coaches to connect their stated values to their coaching behaviours, such as how they communicate with athletes, design training plans, and respond to challenges.
  • Embrace Evolution and Reflection:  Emphasize that a coaching philosophy is a dynamic document.  Encourage ongoing reflection and periodic review.  As coaches gain experience and evolve, their philosophy should reflect this growth.  Feedback from mentors, peers, and athletes can be invaluable in this process.

Teaching Tools and Techniques

The sources also provide examples of coaching philosophies and value lists that can be useful teaching aids.  In addition to these, you can consider incorporating the following:

  • Workshops and Group Discussions: Facilitate workshops specifically focused on developing coaching philosophy.  Group discussions allow coaches to share ideas, gain different perspectives, and learn from each other’s experiences.
  •  Case Studies:  Present realistic coaching scenarios and guide coaches to analyse them through the lens of their evolving philosophy. This helps them understand how their values translate into decision-making in practical situations.
  • Mentoring and Peer Support:  Encourage experienced coaches to mentor those who are newer to the profession. Peer-to-peer learning can provide valuable support and accountability.
  • Written Exercises and Templates:  Provide coaches with structured templates or prompts to guide their reflection process.  For example, a template could include questions about their purpose, values, coaching style, and how they want their athletes to feel.

By incorporating these elements into coach education programmes, you can empower coaches to develop and articulate a robust coaching philosophy, leading to more purposeful and impactful coaching practices.

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